Term Dates for 2024-25

UCO Rehearsal Dates
Autumn Term 4 Sept – 11 December (half term 30 Oct)
Spring Term 8 January – 2 April (half term 19 Feb)
Easter Break 9 & 16 April
Summer Term 7 May- 16 July (half term 28 May)
Autumn Term 3 September – 17 December (half term 29 Oct)


Two upcoming performances to add to to your diaries:

6th May – Uckfield Festival

We will be performing 10.30am to 11am.

13th July – Proms on the Pitch

We will be performing in the afternoon.


Dates for your diaries

Hope everyone is having a lovely summer.
Term dates for your diaries:
Start of term: 6th September
Half term: 25th October ( no rehearsal)
End of term: 13th December – informal concert & carols
Late Night Shopping will be on 1st December (carols at Waitrose).